8. september 2010

Getting back to Kino Otok…

… is something that, as far as this post is concerned, doesn’t refer only to myself or to all those – organizers & volunteers – give their contribution to the festival by “working” at it. If you think that it’s a platitude to say that this event – being “small” as it is – creates a community proper of film lovers, well, consider these names: Peter Mettler (Petropolis), Khavn De La Cruz (Cameroon love letter), Mohammed Soudani (Taxiphone). For all of them this is the second time here in Izola. Peter and Khavn first came here in 2006, when the incredibly prolific Filipino director showed us his talent as pianist as well (so, no surprise that his last effort is For piano solo…). The second coming of Mohammed, who was here in 2005, makes me particularly happy, as I take it as the guarantee that this year the traditional football match staff vs. guests will take place again. As a matter of fact, in the late 60s the guy was a member of the Algerian sub-21 national team, a thing that was very easy to believe for those who were on the Izola pitch on that day, five years ago, and saw him playing. Oh, yes, accidentally he’s also a great director, as his movies proved to us (I personally remember with great pleasure Les diseurs d’histoires).

Anyway, while we’re all waiting for our guests to come (back), these 24 hours of pre-festival have been telling us that one of the most important things to do is to cross fingers because of the weather (and not only if you’re looking forward for the match). At worst, you can still think at the combination between seaside and rain as a homage to The secret of Kells, which is about to open today’s program at Kulturni Dom.
See you later, hopefully with some impression on the movie.

Na blogu "In ... Akcija!" z veseljem pozdravljamo novega pisca Piervittoria Vitori, starega znanca Kina Otok, ki bo s svojimi prispevki poskrbel tudi za bralce iz tujine.

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